Akulaku Finance Supports the Acceleration of Financial Inclusion in North Sumatra

Medan, 03 October 2021– The rapid development of digital-based financial services has become a new alternative to financial access for the community. In accordance with the National Financial Inclusive survey by the Secretariat of the National Financial Inclusive Council (DNKI) in 2020 the increase in the level of financial inclusion was very rapid, reaching 81.4%. The government itself has targeted a financial inclusion rate of 90% by 2024.

This requires a more solid synergy between the government and financial service institutions in Indonesia to jointly improve equity in access to financial services in all regions of Indonesia. PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia as a digital-based finance company in Indonesia, participated in the 2021 Multifinance Exhibition in Medan which was initiated by the Association of Indonesian Finance Companies (APPI). Together with other association members, the Multifinance Exhibition entitled “Pushing Financial Inclusion in North Sumatra” will be held from 3 to 5 December 2021 at Plaza Medan Fair.

“As a digital-based company, Akulaku Finance realizes that this exhibition is a good tool to be able to directly reach a wider community, especially in the North Sumatra area. We want people in the city of Medan to know and experience the various conveniences of financing services that we provide. Akulaku Finance also appreciates the Association of Indonesian Finance Companies (APPI) as the organizer of this event,” said Efrinal Sinaga, President Director of Akulaku Finance Indonesia.

Visitors can apply directly for the financing facility offered by Akulaku Finance, namely applying for a credit limit quickly. “We carry out the procedure in a contactless and paperless manner. Prospective consumers no longer need to bother filling out applications using paper, just via their smartphone. Prospective customers can apply for financing anywhere and anytime,” he said.

“Through procedures that have been carried out digitally, we have managed to save 14.7 tons of paper or the equivalent of 7.2 billion rupiah throughout 2020. This is in line with our mission to continue to support the green financing movement,” he added.

There are attractive discount promos in the form of discounted purchases using Akucicil for new and old users as well as various merchandise provided by Akulaku Finance for exhibition visitors.

Akulaku Finance continues to educate the public with a variety of knowledge about the financing products provided by Akulaku Finance and how people can utilize existing services to support their daily needs as well as their business continuity needs.